well, print design is as it sounds, as for why is it important it is crucial if you want to print a magazine or book you designed. Though our world has gone digital in some cases good old “paper” can help a great deal depending on the target market that you are trying to reach, say you are trying to reach an older age group to market a product or service you are trying to sell nine times out of ten they are gonna ask for a brochure or a business card. Print design is still very crucial in the design industry, it still plays a key role when it comes to designing business cards or a magazine cover or just general layout of the magazine, print design plays a key role in the fact that when it comes to designing your designing based on very fine details that you would be very surprised many people would be able to pick up on, “why is the font size too big” “why does this main image look very off-center”, all these little things are very crucial in ensuring that your design is spot on. Target market also plays a huge factor in print design, depending on the group of people your trying to market to, they may want a printed version of a brochure or a business card. All these factors play a major role in print design.

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